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How school clubs help students to enhance their skills?

The world has become very competitive with the rise in population across continents and every child or adult is trying to better the other. The best way to do this is through gaining skills as it can impact a child’s career and student experience in a hugely positive way. There are certain skills that a child has due to its interest in the subject matter and some he/she attains with experience and practice. But, it has become necessary that the child take initiatives in enriching its knowledge base and confidence.

One of the best CBSE schools in Bhubaneswar, ODM Public School, also support learning at school through extra-curricular activities, like being a part of School Clubs like music club, dance club, media club, green club, and so on. Each club is established around a purpose or skill, and ODMPS’ teachers ensure that the children actively participate in at least two or more clubs which benefit the students in the following ways: 
Student learns more about himself/herself:

The students get to explore newer opportunities that help them in learning and experiencing facts about themselves that they aren’t aware of, like their goals, strengths, and weaknesses, if they are good at multitasking, staying organized, generating ideas, etc. Apart from finding one’s ambition, they can also learn how people manage their situations and how it can better their behaviour, process and attitude. This self-awareness will be beneficial in your future career.

Learn to work with a team:

When a student is a part of a group, they work individually towards a certain goal of the group, which means they need to communicate, collaborate and need each other’s help to get the job done. This builds a sense of teamwork amongst individuals which helps them in future.  

Networking & Engaging with Diverse Community:

As a part of a student’s club all the participants get an opportunity to work and make a connection with each other, where some of the people are from a different state or language background. Getting to know more people is a big win in today’s world, and such clubs help students to connect with seniors, juniors and teachers who may refer them in future in case required.  

Students will gain leadership skills:

The student gets the chance to lead a group of people towards the purpose of the club if they have more information than the others. As a leader, the student understands the needs and psyche of every individual and accordingly distributes the job. This develops a sense of power and leadership, and also prepares for such further activities.

Students can have fun:

Children are worried all the time about studies, exams, marks and whatnot, and being a part of a club can help them elevate the pressure for some time and let them have some fun. Meeting new people, making new friends, and participating in activities will help them make the most of their school life.


While the students are busy gaining academic knowledge, they forget that there are other things in life to learn, but ODM Public School is the best residential school in Odisha, that makes sure that its students have an overall growth and a learning experience that helps them sustain throughout their lives. 


  1. With rising competition, every child has to face the struggle to accomplish his /her dream goals. Schools are the best place where children nurture their hidden talent. School clubs play a vital role in developing various skills of the student. One of my cousins has been passed out from ODM public school and has been the topper of CBSE representing the school and is now preparing for his civil service exams, you can find the top IAS coaching in Chennai for your preparation


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