Schooling is a very important period in a child’s life. Children enter the premises of school as fragile argil and leave as well-shaped individuals. But it must be understood that only the efforts of school and teachers are not enough to shape children into better humans. Parents also have an important role to play in this process. In fact, it is an effective collaboration between parents at home and teachers in school that is vital to ensure the academic success of children. Keeping this in mind, many top schools in Bhubaneswar have taken sincere efforts in providing the parents with opportunities to have fruitful interactions with the teachers of their children throughout the academic year. This is made possible through Parents-Teachers Meetings (PTMs).
According to the best schools in Bhubaneswar, Parent-Teacher Meetings are very important for parents to keep track of their children’s performance. However, due to the busy work schedule or some other priorities, many parents often take a casual approach towards these meetings and fail to attend them. Due to that, they fail to have one-on-one discussions with the teachers of their children and thus it becomes difficult for them to get involved effectively in their children’s learning at home. Furthermore, this also leaves a negative impact on the mindset of their children who think their parents don’t have enough time for them and with that, the era of conversation gaps marks its beginning. Therefore, it is very important for parents to attend all the Parent-Teacher Meetings.
The best CBSE schools in Odisha underline the top reasons why parents should attend PTMs at schools. These are mentioned below:
1. Get a review of your child’s progress and overall conduct:-
Attending PTMs will help you to receive feedback from the teachers about your child’s performance. You will get to know about his/her involvement in classroom learning activities, his/her behavior with friends and teachers and his/her participation in extracurricular activities.
2. Get hands-on experience of the school’s atmosphere:-
PTMs will also help you know more about your child’s school and get hands-on experience of the school’s overall environment, including its premises and the infrastructural facilities. You can also visit your child’s classroom, library, laboratories and all the other places where he/she spends time while in school. This will help you develop confidence in the school and its capabilities. You will also get a general idea of the overall conduct and attitude of the teachers, school head and the support staff, towards their colleagues and the children.
PTMs will also help you know more about your child’s school and get hands-on experience of the school’s overall environment, including its premises and the infrastructural facilities. You can also visit your child’s classroom, library, laboratories and all the other places where he/she spends time while in school. This will help you develop confidence in the school and its capabilities. You will also get a general idea of the overall conduct and attitude of the teachers, school head and the support staff, towards their colleagues and the children.
3. Discuss your child’s inherent talents and behavioral patterns:-
You can also discuss and highlight your child’s special skills and talents that his/her school might not be aware of. Schools can further help to nurture that talent of your child and paves way for his/her holistic development. You can also discuss with teachers about your child’s physical and psychological strengths and weaknesses. These discussions will help teachers to know more about your child and that will further help to smoothen the learning process for them.
4. Meet the parents of your child’s friends:-
PTMs also help you to get acquainted with the parents of other children. By interacting with the parents at the PTMs, you will be able to know about the common issues that are worrying all the parents, which you can raise during the meetings. You will also get to know how different parents deal with the behavioral patterns of their children and you can learn a lot from it. This will also improve your parenting.
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