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The Coronavirus pandemic has affected almost all the countries across the globe, and India is no foreign to it. Over a month ago, India reported its 1st Coronavirus case in Southern India and all the educational institutions- schools, colleges, universities and even local tuition centres have been shut down indefinitely to contain the spread of the disease. At the beginning of Feb 2020, schools only in China and a few other affected countries, but by mid-March, all the governments all around the world implemented or announced school closures, and the orders included both nation-wide shut downs as well as local for any case of limited or regional transmission.

According to a report, the closure of educational institutes will roughly affect over 600 million school going students across the world. Imagine the numbers, even if we double the no. of students who are attending bachelor courses and or masters, it will be equal to the whole population of India. However, the closure of schools is an essential step as it can control or limit the transmission across states or even local community. The schools on immediate orders shut down the premises but what is that they are doing to keep students safe from contracting COVID-19? Currently, institutes across the globe are simply instructed to limit the exposure of susceptible student population. This includes measure such as-

  • Closure of premise
  • Cancelling/Postponing/Rescheduling of Examinations
  • Deep-Cleaning & Sanitization of the Premises
  • Consideration of long-term School Closure

For now, the results of students for all classes apart from board years have been shared across and pass students have been promoted to the next class.

While we are looking at the current picture of the institutions being shut, we are missing the part these institutes play in the lives of students who had plans to pursue higher education from foreign countries. The Coronavirus has not only affected the future of small to major businesses but also the growing leaders- the students! So, what do these students do? What is there way out and how can they continue their education wherever be it?

Studies suggest that due to the lockdown of schools, there will be lesser number opportunities for children to learn from home and it is highly likely that students choose to drop out or their learning curve drop due to lack of quality and value based learning. But, some of the best schools in Bhubaneswar are taking necessary measures to engage its K-12 students into learning and development.

So, what are the possible measures that the schools/educational institutes can undertake to provide education during the lockdown?

  • Explore digital learning platforms, high and low technology solutions etc. on the basis of the power supply, digital skills of teachers and students, and internet connectivity
  • Distance learning programs for students coming from low-income groups etc.
  • Digitization support to teachers as well as students

ODM Public School has come designed its own e-learning platform where the teachers can teach and the students can learn while being safe at home. As the best residential school in Bhubaneswar, ODMPS believes that the leering should never stop- thus they have launched ODM Learning App which will have the course material, teachers’ notes and recorded sessions for each and every class.


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