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The time has come when we acknowledge the role of e-learning when the current pandemic has befallen upon us. In this scenario, when everything has been shut down indefinitely from entertainment hubs to local markets, how can education institutions stay open to create the leaders of the nation? Almost all the schools, colleges, and or other institutions were the first to take action, as they could become a hub of Coronavirus in no time and spread the disease amongst thousands as hundreds of children daily visit the school. 

So, what now? Students can’t stop learning and schools can’t stay shut for such a long time! The best way is to learn from home, just like more than half of the world’s population is working from home. To engage its students in online learning or distance learning or also known as e-learning, one of the best residential schools in OdishaODM Public School launched its own learning app for students of all classes to not let their students’ education hamper in the face of Coronavirus crisis. As one of the top 10 CBSE schools in Bhubaneswar, we understood the need for e-Learning and thus took the initiative. Here are some of the benefits that we found:

No Academic Break: With proper devices and technical equipment like a phone or a laptop and internet connection, a student can continue its studies without having an academic break. ODM Public School is a CBSE School in Bhubaneswar that is concerned about its students' learning cycle and growth and thus has taken necessary steps to ensure that the students do not lose any time in learning and growing due to the on-going pandemic situation.

Enhanced Productivity at home: The students will be under the guidance of their parents as they are also working from home. This can generate enhanced productivity while studying at home because parents will be fully involved and interested in their kids’ education, and will also encourage them to do better.  
Allow students to learn at their pace & time: The classes will be available to be viewed for 24*7 and thus the student has the opportunity to visit and revisit the sessions and learn at their own pace and time.

Available in any location, with an internet connection; students can attend using their devices (e.g., computers, tablets, etc.):  As ODM Learning is an online platform thus it can be used at any device with a stable internet connection. The freedom of location, pace and time (as discussed above) will help an individual to grow as and how it suits them. They are not in a sheep race and are just focused on their own learning curve.

Real-time student monitoring and corresponding reports: As one of the best CBSE residential schools in Bhubaneswar, ODM Public School believes that now that the children at their homes are close to their family and far away from the impacts of Coronavirus, they can learn, grow and develop through e-learning. School learning is essential, but till the time being the students learning could easily be monitored in real-time with their tests and reports on the same.

ODM Public School Bhubaneswar is ventured into creating a sustainable environment for all its students all-round the year. ODMPS is working towards designing activities for its students so as to engage their students in productive tasks that enable their growth.


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