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 The world continues to suffer the impacts of the Coronavirus pandemic, and the teacher & students have settled into this makeshift routine of lockdown and stay at home. Though many have accepted this new normal, some can’t wait to get back to school and are waiting for them to open up. After the lockdown is lifted, some of the best residential schools in Bhubaneswar may resume their daily activities, but we must expect our lives will be far from normal. So what measures can parents, teachers & children take while joining the school in the post-pandemic time? 

The parents especially must understand that they can’t control everything; it will be harder to keep a check of everything that your child does. Though researches show that COVID-19 is less likely to make children severely ill compared with adults, you must be prepared and focused on taking relevant actions. Here are some measures that we at ODM Public School, one of the top ten schools in Bhubaneswar suggests you to take and encourages children to follow:

1. Avoid Playground Activities: All the students at school must restrain participating in any playground activity as it is the common ground where the virus can transmit from one person to another very quickly. Children must avoid any non-essential gatherings until the virus is completely eradicated or there is a vaccine made available.

2. Hygiene Practice: While the children are at home, they are safe and or are continuously encouraged by parents to stay clean and sanitized, but the scenario will not be the same once students start coming to school. The best school in Bhubaneswar will take all the precautionary measures but it also depends on children to follow through and keep washing their hands or using alcohol-based hand sanitizers on regular and frequent intervals.

3. Mandatory Social Distancing Practice: Parents must send their children to school only if they agree to practice social distancing effectively. Though, ODM Public School, a boarding school in Bhubaneswar, will strategically open schools for students with alternative classes /sections /roll no. allowed to come to school, but it is still up to students as well to help create a healthier, safe and COVID-19 free environment.

4. Students must refrain from sharing their belongings: It is as vital as maintaining social distancing. We all know that Coronavirus spreads/enters the human body through eyes, nose and mouth, so it becomes imperative that students do not touch other people’s stuff as it may not be sanitized and lead to affecting them.

ODM Public School, one of the best English medium schools in Bhubaneswar, will only resume classes once it is safe and then also will take all the required precautionary measures to offer a sanitized, safe space for the students. The health and well-being of our students are much more important to us than anything else.


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